Kyla, Steve, Kassidy, Karlin, Shauna

Monday, March 30, 2009


This weekend we went down to Salina to the Little Britches Rodeo. Kyla was in the rodeo and Kass went to help. Steve and I had to split because Karlin had baseball tryouts and piano festival on Saturday. They had to hold it at the high school, so my mom got to go watch Karlin. She said he did a GREAT job. (of course) I am so proud of him. Kyla got SOOOO sick on Saturday night, so Steve had to come down early Sunday morning to get her...I was announcing, so I thought I better stay :). This is a pic of her trying to be a big girl....she is hanging with Racheal and Ashley....Thanks so much meant the world to Kyla!!!! By the way, Kyla did was her first LB rodeo, and she LOVED it (surprise huh?) I am not sure if she likes the rodeo or if she likes to bum....maybe a little of both. Anyway, she had a blast and it turned out okay, but I am glad to be home!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

7 Interesting Facts About Me

I got tagged by Wendy so here goes....

1. I love anything to do with horses, but I don't like to get on them unless I am the one who decides when I come off, not the horse.

2. I love my kids more than anything...but I am too hard on them.

3. I am surrounded by the best of friends!!!! Lucky me :)

4. I need to get my life in order...NOW

5. I have always had more guy friends than girlfriends....I guess cause there's less drama! lol

6. I hate silence!!!!

7. My husband spoils me rotten!!! (and he's good lookin' to boot)

I tag Mick, Kassidy, Teresa, and Kendra!!!

Busy, Busy, Busy

I can't believe how long it's been since my last post!!!! I have been fighting the kids to get on the computer, so that will be my excuse lol :) Actually I spent last weekend in Ogden at Chance's college rodeo!!!! He rodeos for Weber, so he signed me up for a helper...and I found out that I am too fat and old to run with the college kids!!! It was actually fun for me...I love to help anyone out and especially my favorite little college stud!!! For those of you who don't know, Chance is my youngest brother...and he's also my baby!!!! Don't mess with him unless you want one mean old lady on your tail lol jk but seriously I just love the kid....Saturday night we were getting ready to come home (me, Jerry, and Karlin) and we were loading Chance's stuff in his car because he was leaving for Mexico early on Sunday morning, and we couldn't find his about a panic attack...I knew he couldn't fly without his driver's license, so we searched frantically and found it...He made it to Mexico and is having a good time (or so he says, but I'll bet that he misses me LOL) I love to watch the kids compete...The girl that won the short go on Saturday tied her goat in a 6.9...CRAZY!!!! So congrats to all who had a really good performance!!!!