Kyla, Steve, Kassidy, Karlin, Shauna

Monday, April 20, 2009


I took these pics on Saturday. We branded the calves at the farm. As you can see, it is a family affair (and a few friends as well)...It was a really long day, but we enjoy it!!! Shad came with us and the kids had a ball!!! Thanks so much for letting me play Kimo!!! We love you guys!!!!
This is Jenna and Quinn...I don't think Jenna appreciates his affection:)
Kyla caught the first calf!!!!
Nathan had to help Steve hold the rope...Is there anything cuter???
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  1. hey looks like the WINN kid is just standing around yawning!!! I thought he did some work!@!! ww cute pictures thanks for having Shad he had a blast. ww
